dev internal
Meteor is a lightweight 2D game engine.
▼Cmeteor::MEntity | An Entity is the base class for all data and behaviour oriented objects in meteor. This class contains properties and function used by meteor for its operation |
Cmeteor::MAnimationMap | This class holds the relationship between SpriteSheets and Animation name. Needs to be created using the loadMap function |
Cmeteor::MApplication | Application acts as the entry-point to the game |
Cmeteor::MAssetManager | AssetManager handles asset loads and cleanup. AssetManager maintains references to loaded asset, to avoid duplicate asset loads |
Cmeteor::MAudioClip | AudioClip is the instance of a audio clip file, this class holds. This class holds basic information of the clip, and has methods to create playable instances |
Cmeteor::MAudioEngine | AudioEngine wraps the core audio-engine. Contains helper method to load AudioClip from instance |
Cmeteor::MAudioPlayable | This class is the Playable instance of AudioClip. Provides various playback functions |
Cmeteor::MCameraStack | A Stack maintining all Cameras currently avaialble in scene. CameraStack sorts all Cameras in ascending order |
Cmeteor::MInputManager | Manages user input events |
▼Cmeteor::MRenderCommand | RenderCommand are responsible for rendering visuals to the screen |
Cmeteor::MTexRenderCmd | This a RenderCommand that draws an image on to the screen |
Cmeteor::MRenderQueue | Maintains a sorted queue of all render commands submitted for rendering |
Cmeteor::MRenderer | Renderer handles all render related tasks in meteor. Renderer uses the render-queue to render each command in-order |
Cmeteor::MScene | A scene holds a collection of spatial entity for a specific level |
▼Cmeteor::MSceneEntityTypeDeserializer | Base class for Scene Enity Derserializers |
Cmeteor::MAnimationDeserializer | Deserializer for Aniamtion |
Cmeteor::MAudioSourceDeserializer | Deserializer for AudioSource |
Cmeteor::MCameraDerserializer | Deserializer for Camera |
Cmeteor::MSpatialDeserializer | Deserializer for SpatialEntity |
Cmeteor::MSpriteDeserializer | Desrializer for Sprite2D |
Cmeteor::MSceneEntityTypeMap | A Class that maintains mapping between Xml node types and their respective Deserializers |
Cmeteor::MSceneManager | Manages Scene loads and unloads |
▼Cmeteor::MSpatialEntity | Spatial Entity is the base entity for all types present in scene. This entity keeps track of spatial data within a scene. new instance when not given a parent, will sit at the root of the active scene |
Cmeteor::MAnimation | Animation entity provides sprite - sheet based animation system to meteor |
Cmeteor::MAudioSource | This class represents an audio source in the game world |
Cmeteor::MCamera | Camera entity uses provides camera like functionlity to manage world view |
Cmeteor::MSprite2D | This entity enables sprite rendering in meteor |
Cmeteor::MSpriteSheet | This class holds the Rects within a texture that form an Animation |
Cmeteor::MTexture | This class holds an image that can be rendererd to the screen |
Cmeteor::MTime | This class handles time function |
Cmeteor::MWindow | This class is responsible for opening a Window target for rendering |
Cmeteor::MSdlCores | Global references to meteor core instances |
Cmeteor::SColor | A struct representing a color |
Cmeteor::SRect | A struct representing rectangle |
Cmeteor::SVector2 | A structure representing a 2D Vector |
Cmeteor::SWindowProperties | A encapsulate properties window creation |