Meteor2D  dev internal
Meteor is a lightweight 2D game engine.
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CMAnimationAnimation entity provides sprite - sheet based animation system to meteor
 CMAnimationDeserializerDeserializer for Aniamtion
 CMAnimationMapThis class holds the relationship between SpriteSheets and Animation name. Needs to be created using the loadMap function
 CMApplicationApplication acts as the entry-point to the game
 CMAssetManagerAssetManager handles asset loads and cleanup. AssetManager maintains references to loaded asset, to avoid duplicate asset loads
 CMAudioClipAudioClip is the instance of a audio clip file, this class holds. This class holds basic information of the clip, and has methods to create playable instances
 CMAudioEngineAudioEngine wraps the core audio-engine. Contains helper method to load AudioClip from instance
 CMAudioPlayableThis class is the Playable instance of AudioClip. Provides various playback functions
 CMAudioSourceThis class represents an audio source in the game world
 CMAudioSourceDeserializerDeserializer for AudioSource
 CMCameraCamera entity uses provides camera like functionlity to manage world view
 CMCameraDerserializerDeserializer for Camera
 CMCameraStackA Stack maintining all Cameras currently avaialble in scene. CameraStack sorts all Cameras in ascending order
 CMEntityAn Entity is the base class for all data and behaviour oriented objects in meteor. This class contains properties and function used by meteor for its operation
 CMInputManagerManages user input events
 CMRenderCommandRenderCommand are responsible for rendering visuals to the screen
 CMRendererRenderer handles all render related tasks in meteor. Renderer uses the render-queue to render each command in-order
 CMRenderQueueMaintains a sorted queue of all render commands submitted for rendering
 CMSceneA scene holds a collection of spatial entity for a specific level
 CMSceneEntityTypeDeserializerBase class for Scene Enity Derserializers
 CMSceneEntityTypeMapA Class that maintains mapping between Xml node types and their respective Deserializers
 CMSceneManagerManages Scene loads and unloads
 CMSdlCoresGlobal references to meteor core instances
 CMSpatialDeserializerDeserializer for SpatialEntity
 CMSpatialEntitySpatial Entity is the base entity for all types present in scene. This entity keeps track of spatial data within a scene. new instance when not given a parent, will sit at the root of the active scene
 CMSprite2DThis entity enables sprite rendering in meteor
 CMSpriteDeserializerDesrializer for Sprite2D
 CMSpriteSheetThis class holds the Rects within a texture that form an Animation
 CMTexRenderCmdThis a RenderCommand that draws an image on to the screen
 CMTextureThis class holds an image that can be rendererd to the screen
 CMTimeThis class handles time function
 CMWindowThis class is responsible for opening a Window target for rendering
 CSColorA struct representing a color
 CSRectA struct representing rectangle
 CSVector2A structure representing a 2D Vector
 CSWindowPropertiesA encapsulate properties window creation